Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sim Card Sizes for Apple Products

I know we've made several posts about what SIM Card to purchase for your Apple product when traveling to Costa Rica, but we keep getting questions, so I thought I would lay it out for you in a list.  I found a great article about it here which also includes a picture of what a full size sim, mini sim, and nano sim looks like.

iPhone 3GSIM
iPhone 3GSSIM
iPhone 4MicroSIM
iPhone 4SMicroSIM
iPhone 5NanoSIM
iPad 1MicroSIM
iPad 2MicroSIM
“New” iPadMicroSIM
iPad 4th GenMicroSIM
iPad miniNanoSIM

Each of these of sim card sizes can be purchased at for delivery in the US or in Costa Rica.  We are the only ICE approved vendor you will find that will allow to purchase kolbi sim cards online before your trip, and offer mobile voice and data packages for your trip.  1-866-353-6492.