Monday, March 5, 2012

Semana Santa Travel Costa Rica (Easter Week)

If you are traveling to Costa Rica on Semana Santa, the week leading up to Easter, you are in for a treat. It is a great time of year to be down there. This year Easter falls on April 8th meaning Easter Week will be from April 1st through 8th. One thing to be aware of is that many things in the country shut down, especially near the end of the week as it progresses towards Easter.

That being said, if you are traveling to Costa Rica that week and will be renting or purchasing a Prepaid SIM Card, Data Card, or a cell phone, try and get your order in early and get it delivered in the US or Canada, or let us know where you want it delivered in Costa Rica before that week. We will do everything we can to accomodate last minute orders in and around the Easter weekend, but sometimes it can be tricky getting people to work down there on those days! We recommend thinking about this for all your trip planning, not just in relation to our products. Have a great trip!

Costa Rica Cellular Connection is an ICE approved vendor for Costa Rica, selling Prepaid SIM cards, Wireless Internet, and Cellular Pone rentals. Contact us today at or by phone at 1-866-353-6492.

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